Archive by Category | abolition

72 Days for Freedom

72 Days for Freedom for the 27 Million Slaves.  February 27, 2012, was the first day of a 72 day initiative to focus specifically on slavery and human trafficking and take action to fight against it.  Visit the 72 Days for ...

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Human Trafficking Awareness Day 2012 ~ What You Can Do

It's that time of year again - National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month. And today, January 11, 2012, is National Human Trafficking Awareness Day. So here are some things you can do today (and this month, and ...

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Fight for Freedom with The A21 Campaign . . . BECAUSE

Beginning on April 21, join The A21 Campaign in their BECAUSE campaign.  For 21 days, choose to do one of the 21 things you can do to fight for freedom and abolish the injustice of human trafficking.  Why?  Because 27 million ...

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The CNN Freedom Project: Ending Modern-Day Slavery

This week, CNN launched The CNN Freedom Project: Ending Modern-Day Slavery.  CNN is raising awareness about the reality of slavery and human trafficking around the world and the battle to put an end to it.  They have joined ...

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Freedom Sunday 2011

On March 13, 2011, churches around the world will be observing Freedom Sunday, a time for churches to become more aware of modern-day slavery and what they can do to help bring freedom to those enslaved. Freedom Sunday is a ...

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February 24, 1807 ~ A Great Day in Abolition History and in the Life of William Wilberforce

I wrote the following post last year, and since I'm still inspired by the life, courage, dedication, and perseverance of William Wilberforce, I wanted to share it again today.  I hope you too will be inspired by this great ...

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The A21 Campaign’s Key2Free

On October 21, 2010, you can do something to help spread awareness about human trafficking.  Wear a key necklace.  The A21 Campaign has started a movement called Key2Free to join people together to take a stand for freedom ...

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Taking Part in the Fight to Abolish Modern-day Slavery and Human Trafficking

There are so many different ways to take part in the fight to abolish modern-day slavery and human trafficking.  Here are just some of the ways people and organizations are working to fight for justice and bring an end to ...

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Not For Sale Human Trafficking Videos


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New Overview Video About Child Sex Slavery And Love146

Love146 has a new video presenting an overview of what they are doing to abolish child sex slavery and exploitation.  Watch the video, check out my other posts about Love146 for more videos and information, and visit the ...

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