Archive by Tag | slavery

Praying for the Abolition of Modern-day Slavery

International Justice Mission has many great resources on their website, and as I was looking through them, I found their "Prayer Guide for the Abolition of Slavery".  It is both informative and insightful for praying about ...

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Love146 Video – Abolish Child Trafficking

I just learned how to put videos on my blog :).  This one is the Love146 video that I wrote about in another post.  Now you can watch it here . . . ...

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Amazing Grace in the Life of William Wilberforce

I recently listened to the audiobook,  Amazing Grace in the Life of William Wilberforce, by John Piper, read by Wayne Shepherd.  It is a brief overview of William Wilberforce's life and passion to end slavery in the late ...

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Modern-day Slavery

I wrote another post about Love146 a few weeks ago, but I wanted to call attention to a specific area on their website that gives some eye-opening information about modern-day slavery in an interesting and engaging way.  It ...

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As I continue researching modern-day slavery and human trafficking, I am feeling overwhelmed again.  There is so much information and so many books, websites and organizations about this issue that I don't even know what to ...

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Justice for the Oppressed

The following Psalm brings to my mind how human traffickers prey upon the poor.  They are the wicked who sit in ambush in the villages, watching for the helpless and seizing the poor, thinking that God will never see it.  Yet ...

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Abolition in the 21st Century

I just came across a couple more websites about modern-day slavery that are worth checking out.  According to their website, The A21 Campaign "stands for abolishing injustice in the 21st century. Anyone can join - everyone ...

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Top 10 Facts About Modern-day Slavery

Slavery: forced to work without pay under threat of violence and unable to walk away. 27 million slaves in the world today. Slavery is not legal anywhere but happens everywhere. The majority of slaves can be found in India ...

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Modern-day Slavery in America

Human trafficking is happening all over the world, including America.  Click here and here to read two recent articles about this awful tragedy in America. ...

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Oppression, Justice and Abolition

In his book Not For Sale, David Batstone writes the following: The book of Ecclesiastes is one of the extraordinary pieces of ancient wisdom literature.  The author beautifully expressed the desperation of the powerless:  “I ...

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