Beyond the Soiled Curtain – Project Rescue’s Fight for the Victims of the Sex-Slave Industry is a compelling story about women and girls trapped in sexual slavery in India and the work of Christians reaching out to them with the life-saving message of the grace and mercy of Jesus Christ.
The thing that struck me while reading this book was that even though these girls had to live a nightmare of sexual slavery, they still had a joy and peace in Jesus Christ. What an amazing testimony of Christ’s work in the hearts and lives of people. I remember sitting on my couch with tears just streaming down my face as I read the stories of girls dying of AIDS and suffering through unspeakable things because they were forced to work in brothels, and yet many were at peace because Jesus had saved them and given them hope and a new life in Him.
Project Rescue, founded by David and Beth Grant, the authors of Beyond the Soiled Curtain, is the organization that is working with these girls, sharing the love of Christ and ministering to them. Visit their website to learn about their purpose, their programs, and their process of rescue, restore, and prevent. You can also learn a little more about victims of sex slavery and read their stories.
Just a little side note, I don’t know for sure, but I think David Grant is the one who convinced Linda Smith of Shared Hope International to visit India so she could witness the horrors of the sex slave industry for herself. That trip changed her life forever. She described it in her book, From Congress to the Brothel, which I wrote about here.
I encourage you to read these books and support these ministries to help women and children.