Archives for April 2010

Archive for April 2010

New Overview Video About Child Sex Slavery And Love146

Love146 has a new video presenting an overview of what they are doing to abolish child sex slavery and exploitation.  Watch the video, check out my other posts about Love146 for more videos and information, and visit the ...

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Signs of Child and Sex Trafficking

I wrote about recognizing victims of human trafficking and reporting it in previous posts, but I thought I would share some more helpful information, because it doesn't hurt to be reminded again about this topic. First, a ...

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America’s Children in Sexual Slavery

When we hear about modern-day slavery, it's easy to think that it's happening in other countries around the world but not in America.  Well, that is simply not the case.  American children are being sold and exploited for ...

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Beyond the Soiled Curtain

Beyond the Soiled Curtain - Project Rescue's Fight for the Victims of the Sex-Slave Industry is a compelling story about women and girls trapped in sexual slavery in India and the work of Christians reaching out to them with ...

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The Road of Lost Innocence

The Road of Lost Innocence is Somaly Mam's own story of being sold into sexual slavery as a girl in Cambodia and living a life of torture and suffering.  Through Somaly's story, I learned more about the culture in Cambodia ...

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