Scared, written by Tom Davis, CEO of Children’s HopeChest, is the first book in the trilogy, A Novel on the Edge of the World . Based on real stories from the lives of people in Africa and the author’s own experiences there, Scared gives a glimpse into a world of suffering, though not without hope.
In this story, Stuart Daniels, a struggling photojournalist from America, is assigned to cover the AIDS crisis in Swaziland, a little country in Southern Africa. There, he meets Adanna, a young orphan girl who lives in the midst of poverty, starvation, and HIV/AIDS. Stuart comes face to face with the suffering people in Africa, but he is also confronted with the work of Jesus Christ through a local pastor who willingly helps others in need.
That trip changes Stuart’s life forever. And who knows, by the end of the book, your life might be changed too.
In the ‘Author Interview’ in the back of the book, Tom Davis states,
It’s my firm belief that God has already sent the answers to solve the world’s most difficult issues, and the answer is people like us getting involved. So take a step to help, just one, and it will change your life forever!
To learn ways to get involved, visit the Scared website, Tom Davis’ blog, and Children’s HopeChest.
Check out the trailer for Scared . . .
The next two videos present an interview with Tom Davis about his book . . .
“Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction . . . ” James 1:27.