I just came across a couple more websites about modern-day slavery that are worth checking out. According to their website, The A21 Campaign “stands for abolishing injustice in the 21st century. Anyone can join – everyone can make a difference.” Vision Abolition is defending the defenseless by being “dedicated to three goals: preventing the sale and sexual exploitation of human beings wherever it occurs; rescuing those victims, especially pregnant women, children and women with children; and restoring those victims to full, productive lives. The problem may be non-denominational, but the solution is clearly God in action transforming one life at a time.”
Please take a look at these organizations and again, see how you can get involved in abolishing modern-day slavery. We should not be so comfortable and complacent in our own freedom that we forget those who are trapped in slavery.
My prayer to God is, as the psalmist said: “Give justice to the weak and the fatherless; maintain the right of the afflicted and the destitute. Rescue the weak and the needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked.” Psalm 82:3-4