My hope for this blog is that it will be a tool to bring awareness to others of the injustice of modern-day slavery and human trafficking. I am not at all gifted at writing, so please bear with me, but I feel that I must be part of the fight for justice for those who are oppressed, abused, taken advantage of and mistreated in slavery.
I will share some things I have learned, as well as links to helpful and informative books and websites dealing with the issue of modern-day slavery. I also plan to do a personal study of justice as presented throughout the Bible, and I might post some of what I learn in that study here on my blog. I will at least post Bible verses now and then dealing with justice. God is a God of justice (Isaiah 30:18) and He cares for the oppressed and helpless. I want to have the same compassionate heart as God does for the victims of slavery and human trafficking.
“Blessed are they who observe justice, who do righteousness at all times!” Psalm 106:3