Archives for November 2010

Archive for November 2010

Change the Story for Orphans this Christmas

I'm participating in the Children's HopeChest Change Their Story campaign to help 5,000 orphans this Christmas; orphans who need food, water, education, and protection from sex trafficking.  The money I raise will be used to ...

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Rescuing Girls From Sex Slavery

Have you ever wondered how girls are rescued from sex slavery?  Indian Rescue Mission, partners of Children's HopeChest, is an organization that conducts undercover investigations and rescue operations to free girls from sex ...

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The Gift of Freedom

This Christmas, give the gift of freedom to victims of oppression through International Justice Mission's Gift of Freedom 2010. ...

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Passport Through Darkness ~ A True Story of Danger and Second Chances

I wanted to let you know about a new book that will be released in January 2011.  Passport Through Darkness is written by Kimberly Smith, president and co-founder of Make Way Partners, a Christian mission agency committed to ...

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