International Justice Mission has a great plan for churches to get involved in the pursuit of justice. It’s called Churches on a Justice Journey. It looks very interesting, educational and helpful for learning more about justice and how to seek justice for the oppressed.
There are three steps to this Justice Journey – Educate, Explore and Engage.
The first step is educate. One way to take part in the educate step is to read books about justice by IJM president, Gary Haugen. These include Good News About Injustice, Terrify No More, and Just Courage. I have read all three and thought they were excellent and inspiring. More great ideas for education about justice and resources to use for this journey can be found on the Educate page of IJM’s website.
The second step in the journey is explore. This includes exploring your church, community and IJM’s work. Read more about this on IJM’s Explore page.
The third step is engage. Churches can engage in justice by praying for the work of justice being done all over the world and giving financially to IJM to help them continue to seek justice for the oppressed. Again, more ideas and action steps can be found on IJM’s Engage page.
A couple more resources for the Justice Journey are The Justice Journey Handbook for pastors and Christian leaders and The Justice Mission for youth groups to learn about “the heart of God for the oppressed of the world.”
A Justice Journey. I like that. Life is a journey, and a journey toward justice is a journey worth taking.
“Learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, plead the widow’s cause.” Isaiah 1:17